Pengaruh Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Pre Operasi Sectio Caesarea Di RSUD dr. T.C. Hillers Maumere

Emanuela Natalia Nua, Maria Susana Ine Nona Ringgi, Maria Regina Angelorum


Sectio caesarea is one major surgery where it usually carries some degree of risk for patients who undergo it. This high risk of surgery causes psychological effects namely fear and anxiety. To be able to reduce anxiety in patients before surgery is effective communication, especially therapeutic communication. This needs to get serious attention from nurses because nurses are health workers who are closest and longest with patients. Research purpose to determine the effect of nurse therapeutic communication on the patient's anxiety level pre-operative SC.
This type of research is quantitative research with a quasi-experimental research method of one group pre test-post test design. The number of samples in this study were 15 samples with consecutive sampling technique. The data is collected using the HARS anxiety level questionnaire instrument.
The results showed that as many as 60.0% and respondents experienced moderate and 40.0% experienced mild anxiety before the administration of therapeutic communication while after giving communication the level of anxiety became mild anxiety 53.3% and the anxious 46.7 %. This study using the Wilcoxon statistical test showed that the administration of therapeutic communication nurses had a significant effect in reducing the anxiety level of patients pre SC surgery (p value = 0.001; ɑ = 0.05; and z = 3, 429).
There is an effect of nurse therapeutic communication on the level of anxiety of patients pre SC surgery in the Anggrek Ward dr. T. C. Hillers Hospital Maumere. Recommendations from the study are aimed at nurses in order to apply therapeutic communication that is effective in providing nursing care, especially in patients who will undergo surgery so that it can reduce the patient's preoperative anxiety.
Keywords: anxiety level, therapeutic communication

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